Have you ever been gifted doodle art of you by a friend?

What was your reaction?

Probably happiness, joy and smiles. And that’s what WIZARDCOIN is all about.

Spreading the magic of doodle art glasses on people you like. Good vibes.

Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

Albert Einstein

Join the $WIZARDCOIN community.

Share your doodle art and spread the magic.

Yer a wizard.




777,420,069 Tokens

Capped supply

Contract Renounced

How to buy

1. Create a wallet

Set up a crypto wallet on the Base network using Coinbase Wallet. If you're using a different wallet like MetaMask, follow these steps to connect to Base.

2. Bridge your ETH

Transfer Ethereum (ETH) directly to your Base network wallet or send it to your Ethereum wallet and bridge ETH to Base via the official Base Bridge or the Orbiter bridge.

3. Go to uniswap

Visit Uniswap, an onchain liquidity swap aggregator that allows you to trade supported Base currencies. Ensure your wallet is connected to the Base network.


Swap ETH for $WIZARDCOIN. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Token address:


Copy paste this address to find the $WIZARDCOIN token on your exchange of choice

Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle


Join the community spellbound by doodle art glasses on friends and other magical peoples faces.

Tag @realwizardcoin on x and ig.

Monthly airdrops to the best art contributors.

Join the telegram to not miss out.

BASEd in science.

“People appreciate art of themselves. That lies in our nature.

And therein lies the magical virality of Wizardcoin and doodle art glasses.”

$Wizardcoin is a memecoin with no intrinsic value, created for community and entertainment purposes.